What do you want to achieve with AIOT?: To Optimize
In a previous blog, we talked about how IoT can help in taking control. There is another step further: to optimize your processes with AIOT.... Read more.

Proud member KPN Fieldlab Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven
Connecting society with 5G In 2020, KPN opened a 5G Fieldlab on the Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven. This fieldlab focusses on smart industry, where... Read more.

The roll-out to 5G: enabler for Industry 4.0
Since the end of July 2020, KPN has renewed its mobile network which enables 5G. KPN is rapidly expanding coverage throughout the Netherlands. Business customers... Read more.

When you see humidity is too high, damage is already done
There are a number of ways humidity causes damage in your building because its level is too high, as: Look for signs of allergies from anyone in the building such... Read more.

How Humidity affects Asthma
Humidity is a measure of how much water or moisture there is in the air. Many people with asthma have more complaints when the air is humid. When people speak about... Read more.

What do you want to achieve with AIOT?: Get in control of your processes
AIoT has many benefits. Those benefits can be summarized as: to save, to control, tot optimize and to innovate. How does AIOT gives you control over your processes?... Read more.

What are Total of Volatile Organic Compounds (TOVC)?
There are thousands of VOCs and a multiple of VOC’s are at the same time present. What are TVOCs?... Read more.

Two new C and C# code generators added to ASN Filter Designer v5
ASN Filter Designer v5 with easy-to-use code generators to C, Python and C#, for fast and efficient application development. Hardware agnostic.... Read more.

FIR notch filter from a lowpass filter
Designs an FIR notch filter from a lowpass filter by computing the difference between the prototype lowpass filter and its amplitude complementary... Read more.

Sensors in Biomedical AIOT
Biomedical devices are at the forefront of AI and AIOT (more often called AIOT). What is your most important reason to use sensors for biomedical devices?... Read more.