All-pass Peaking/Bell filter
A Peaking or Bell filter is a type of audio equalisation filter that boosts or attenuates the magnitude of a specified set of frequencies around a centre frequency... Read more.
FIR Comb Filter: powerline harmonic cancellation and CIC
Comb filters: powerline (50/60Hz) harmonic cancellation filters, audio applications; cascaded integrator–comb (CIC) filters: anti-aliasing, anti-imaging... Read more.
The moving average filter
A more computationally efficient implementation of the MA filter is discussed here. Further reading... Read more.
Contactless vital life signs measurement… Fact or science-fiction?
Generations have been entertained by the gadgets and future technology portrayed in Sci-fi series, such as Star Trek, but is it all science fiction? The TricorderOne... Read more.
2018: The death of big data for IoT
With the advent of smart cities, and society’s obsession of ‘being connected’, data networks have been overloaded with thousands of IoT sensors... Read more.
Successful product development: Follow the yellow brick road…
When looking at undertaking a NPD (new product development) it’s always tempting to take short cuts in order make the development more attractive to management... Read more.