Are you a logistics provider or art supporter? How Track and Trace helps you to defeat graffiti
IoT, Preventive Maintenance ASN consultancy team
For public infrastructure, removing graffiti costs millions of euro each year. Besides the direct costs, there are the costs of not using the equipment and environmental costs. And naturally, the trains, buses, metro, etc. are your visit card…

Aerosols a possible or probable third way of Covid 19 infection, not the only one
Covid-19 virus ASN consultancy teamA few days ago, the New York Times headlined ” 239 Experts With One Big Claim: The Coronavirus Is Airborne”. What does Morawska really say about aerosols?

How ASN Filter Designer eases DSP for engineers
ASN Filter Designer Functionality, IoT ASN consultancy team
DSP for engineers: the ASN Filter Designer is the ideal tool to analyze and filter the sensor data quickly. Create an algorithm within hours instead of days. When you are working with sensor data, you probably recognize these challenges:
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