Frequent mutual contact most important risk situation for Covid-19
Covid-19 virus, IoT ASN consultancy teamThe Dutch Newspaper De Gelderlander (June 16) headlines: "Where is the virus, am I safe, am I at risk?" Risk situations: frequent mutual contact

5 Benefits of IOT for Asset Management
IoT, Preventive Maintenance ASN consultancy team
A longer lifetime for your equipment with Preventive maintenanceCreate the future. Better serve your client, with solutions which weren’t possible until now!More satisfied customersMore control on your processesBetter Security

How to maintain the social distance in a Museum with the Covid Buzzer
Covid-19 virus, IoT ASN consultancy team
As of 1 June, many museums in the Netherlands have reopened to a limited extent: a maximum of 30 people can enter at the same time and they must be kept at least 1.5 meters apart. From July 1, this capacity will be increased to 100 people,…
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