Covid Buzzer op KPN Digital Dutch
Covid-19 virus, IoT ASN consultancy teamDe Covid Buzzer op het Digital Dutch goes Digital event van onze partner KPN! Deze gaat af wanneer personen 1,5 meter binnen elkaars nabijheid komen.

Back to Office after Covid 19 lockdown: The Covid Buzzer
Covid-19 virus, IoT ASN consultancy team
Many offices have been closed or working on less power due to Covid-19. Now many offices want to open again. Last months, most employers have worked at home. There are employers who want to stay working at home, but most miss the energy of…

How Automotive benefits from IOT
IoT ASN consultancy team
Automotive is one of most important sectors in the development of IoT. This interest comes from Industry as Consumers as well. That’s why governments in Europe and elsewhere are supporting these new developments.
A longer lifetime…
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