Preventive Maintenance: 7 Challenges for Asset Managers
IoT, Preventive Maintenance ASN consultancy team
Competition on costs is ever increasing. Meanwhile, customers are more demanding in their expectations. In 2024, global smart sensor market will have a value of $80 billion. In others words: become part of the future or become obsolete!

Sensor market $87.6 billion by 2025
Algorithms, IoT ASN consultancy team
How do you get the best performance from your IoT smart sensor?
The global smart sensor market size is projected to grow from USD 36.6 billion in 2020 to USD 87.6 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 19.0%. At least 80% of these IoT/IIoT smart…

Covid19: UK is the poor man of Europe, as EU searches for intelligent social distancing technology
Covid-19 virus ASN consultancy team
Continuing with our Analytics team study of the Corona virus on Western European countries, we present our findings for data up to week 19 (5 May).
As discussed in previous articles, the UK had a one-week head start on its neighbours. Therefore,…
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