Covid-19: Netherlands and Germany death rates stabilise, but Belgium still skyrockets
Algorithms, Covid-19 virus ASN consultancy team
Continuing with our Analytics team study of the virus on Western European countries, we present our findings for data up to week 15 (14 April).
As discussed in our previous articles, in order to provide an objective comparison per country,…

6 Strengths of the ASN Filter Designer DSP platform
Algorithms, IoT ASN consultancy team6 reasons why ASN Filter Designer is a powerful real-time DSP platform e.g. life math scripting, tool creates your technical specification and documentation

Covid-19: UK had 1 week headstart, but failed to act
Algorithms, Covid-19 virus ASN consultancy team
The Covid-19 virus has forced European governments to order millions to lockdown in the hope of limiting the spread of the virus, based on ‘expert scientific advice’. The latest recent review of WHO data by Dutch data modelling specialist,…
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