R&D - which one does your company do?
New product development (NPD) Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
Many hi-tech companies that we have spoken with over the years have struggled to clarify this question, and almost all say that they fall into the D category. Where many say,
we're not a University.
However, upon closer examination,…

Steps to successfully market and release your new software product
New product development (NPD) Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
So, you’ve had a great idea for a new software product, you’ve scribbled something down on paper and have a majority of the details in your head, and started coding - Right??
Not so fast!
" make sure that you do your homework first!”

Some points to bear in mind when designing and implementing algorithms
Algorithms, New product development (NPD) Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
I recently attended a seminar on advanced instrumentation, where algorithms were heavily featured. The project pitches heavily emphasised implementation rather than analysis and design, which started an interesting discussion, and led me to…
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