Choosing the right Arm Cortex-M processor for your biomedical smart product: a practical guide
Algorithms, Biomedical, IoT Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
Advances in telemedicine healthcare products over the past decades have been truly miraculous with ingenious little devices invented by start-ups as well as by larger corporations, .e.g Apple’s smart watch and the Fitbit. These advancements…

Implementing IoT algorithms on Arm Cortex-M processors: a unified view
Algorithms, IoT Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
We live in a time where wearable/mobile products comprised of sensors, apps, AI and IoT (AIoT) technology are part of everyday life. Every year we hear about amazing advances in processor technology and AI algorithms for all aspects of life…

Building real-time FDA compliant biomedical wearable products: challenges and commercial solutions
Algorithms, Biomedical Dr. Sanjeev Sarpal
Recent research suggests that ECG wearables devices (such as smart watches) are now medically suitable for providing predictive insights into serious heart conditions such as atrial fibrillation (A-Fib). These advancements have been facilitated…
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