
A few days ago, the New York Times headlined ” 239 Experts With One Big Claim: The Coronavirus Is Airborne”. At least in the Netherlands, some people are focusing on these aerosols as more are less the only source of infection. According to them, Social distancing would have no use. Should we stop with washing hands, route marking and solutions like the covid buzzer? What does Morawska really say in her article?

Now, Morawska c.s. have publiced their article. In this, she focusses on aerosols as a third way of possible/probable Covid 19 infections, besides direct contact and large droplets:

“Inhaling small airborne droplets is probable as a third route of infection, in addition to more widely recognized transmission via larger respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected people or contaminated surfaces.”

“Inhaling small airborne droplets is probable as a third route of infection, in addition to more widely recognized transmission via larger respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected people or contaminated surfaces. … We believe that the use of engineering controls in public buildings, including hospitals, shops, offices, schools, kindergartens, libraries, restaurants, cruise ships, elevators, conference rooms or public transport, in parallel with effective application of other controls (including isolation and quarantine, social distancing and hand hygiene), would be an additional important measure globally to reduce the likelihood of transmission and thereby protect healthcare workers, patients and the general public.”

Read the full article

In other words: they mention aerosols as a possible / likely distributor of Covid 19, so not as the only explanation. They also mention the widely accepted distributions due to the large droplets and direct contact.

Social distancing remains important, solutions such as washing hands, good marking and covid buzzer help.

Covid-19-keep-corona-distance social distance covid buzzer to stay healthy

Read More about Covid Buzzer:

The Dutch Newspaper De Gelderlander (June 16) headlines: “Where is the virus, am I safe, am I at risk?” The newspapers write this article in response to the major demonstrations in Amsterdam and Rotterdam two weeks ago. The social distancing measures were not adhered to, as if Covid-19 did not exist. They continue: “Half the country shuddered at the sight of a full Dam. Two weeks later, the coast seems clear. Where are we at risk? Time for a mid-term review. “

The newspaper concludes that there are relatively more infections in South Holland.

Then: “Can we have big events again?” The 2 large demonstrations did not cause a major virus outbreak. That is why many hope that large events can be organized again. “Don’t do it, experts warn … The virus is not yet gone, so such events are big risk moments. The more often you organize those, the more likely it will lead to infections”

Risk situations: frequent mutual contact

Based on various outbreaks, there appears to be 1 major risk situation: places where there is a lot of mutual contact. In addition, the newspaper mentions the outbreak in 2 mosques. Besides, they mention the outbreaks in meat processing and fruit growing. “It is clear that sectors with many migrant workers, who often live close together, are hit harder.” In addition to employees, people who regularly visit these companies were professionals who tested positive, such as drivers.

Finally, the newspaper concludes with the WHO’s warning that places where fruit and meat is traded have risks of major outbreaks. After no new Covid cases were found in China for 2 months, there is currently another outbreak in Beijing.

1.5 meters: Social Distancing remains important

Many companies such as offices and factories are currently investigating how they can safely reopen their company for their staff and visitors. Events, cultural institutions and the catering industry also want to offer the safest possible environment. It remains important to keep 1.5 meters away. If you want to learn more how a social distance badge, the covid buzzer can help, visit Covid Buzzer


As of 1 June, many museums in the Netherlands have reopened to a limited extent: a maximum of 30 people can enter at the same time and they must be kept at least 1.5 meters apart. From July 1, this capacity will be increased to 100 people, if there are no problems. Under which conditions this will happen is not known. In any case, museums and events will have to ensure that the 1.5 meters is maintained.

Many museums are taking measures to provide visitors and employees with a safe environment. Find out how the Covid Buzzer can help.

Maximum capacity and time slots

The most obvious measure is to limit visitor numbers at the gate: visitors sign up for a time slot. A museum usually calculates the capacity per time slot on the basis of the available space. In any case, until 1 July, 10m2 must be available per visitor. The average duration of a museum visit is then also important: on the basis of its capacity and the average duration, the museum has an indication of the number of time slots required and the mutual overlap of these time slots.

Irregular spread

However, visitors will not be regularly scattered around the building. It is likely to be busy at some parts of the building: at entrances, wardrobes, toilets, museum shops, etc. And the same applies to the absolute top pieces: the pieces that all visitors want to see and want to view for quite some time. Museums have created walking routes and have made capacity planning that takes into account crowds at the ‘hot spots’ and where an extra security guard must be placed.

Self-regulating power and more capacity with the Covid Buzzer

Offering “experience” is an important condition for a successful museum visit. Visitors also want to feel welcome in Covid time. Many visitors will understand that for safety reasons they may be led through 1.5 rows along the top piece with a distance of 1.5 meters. For the rest, they will prefer to design their visit as much as possible themselves.

When visitors are enjoying themselves, they may forget to keep a distance. In addition, there will unfortunately always be visitors who do not want to take other visitors into account at all.

The Covid Buzzer helps visitors keep 1.5 meters social distance. By having every visitor wear a Covid Buzzer, these problems are solved. This goes off when visitors come within a radius of 1.5 meters. The Covid Buzzer can also offer a solution for the masterpieces, by letting visitors ensure that they keep a distance of 1.5 meters. And employees can address those who do not obey the rules several times.

Covid Buzzer: Simple, reliable and no privacy issues

 The simple solution to keep a safe distance between each other. Everyone in the office, factory or elsewhere where many people gather, wears a buzzer. As soon as the buzzer meets another buzzer within a radius of 1.5 meters, a warning signal follows. The buzzer is completely anonymous, so there are no privacy issues involved. Thanks to UWB technology, the Covid buzzer has 10 cm accuracy.

Government rules after July 1; proof for 1.5 meters

As mentioned, the regulations are still unclear after 1 July. Much will depend on the extent to which museums and other visitors attracting institutions appear to be able to comply with the 1.5-meter provisions.

With the Covid Buzzer, museums show that they are actually able to adhere to the 1.5-meter stipulation.

Covid Buzzer

Read More and order the Covid Buzzer now

De Covid Buzzer op het Digital Dutch goes Digital event van onze partner KPN! Deze gaat af wanneer personen 1,5 meter binnen elkaars nabijheid komen.

The last months, due to Covid-19 factories, offices and institutions have been closed or been working on less power. Now, factories and offices want to open again. In the meantime, it is clear that Covid-19 will be with us for a long time. Employers want a safe as possible environment for their employees and visitors, as well as healthcare institutions and tourist and cultural providers. In addition, companies have a legal obligation to ensure a safe environment. And to take measures where necessary, so that the social distance is respected.

The Social Distance Badge is the device with which the 1.5-meter distance can be maintained. Simple, safe and without privacy issues

Work and recreation in times of Corona

For whom, what, why?

  • Factories
  • Construction and installation sites
  • Logistics: ports, warehouses
  • Transport (train, airports, busses)
  • Offices and Facility management
  • Healthcare
  • Touristic, sports and cultural sites and events


Factories and offices want to open again. Where offices can still choose by letting employees work from home, factories do not have this luxury. At assembly lines, many people are working together, concentrated to carry out their work. Then the 1.5 meter social distance may be ignored.

Construction and installations, logistics and transport

Employees are also unable to work from home during construction and installations. Many employees work side by side and close together. The employee will often need his focus to perform his work accurately and pay attention to other forms of safety, for example to prevent him from slipping or falling down. Employees can then forget to maintain the 1.5 meter social distance. The Social Distance badge helps to remind the employee to keep distance.

Offices and facility management

In the last months, many employees of offices have worked at home. But for social bonding and the well-being of employees, it’s important that employees are regularly present in the office. And not every office has the option to offer working from home.

Employees walk from workplace to company restaurant and meeting and back again. And meanwhile, facility managers walk through the entire building. Then it is important to keep the 1.5-meter distance, since 1 employee can spread the Corona-19 virus in the entire building.


For some groups, Covid-19 is particularly dangerous: the elderly and people who already have a condition. It is important for them that social distance is maintained. By clients, staff and visitors. In addition, some residents must be reminded to keep 1.5 meters.

Tourist, Cultural, Recreational, Sports sites and events

Visitors get mixed up, are enthusiastic and forget to keep their distance. Or are there visitors who do not take the 1.5 meter into account and thus pose a risk. With the Social Distance Badge, you can safely open again.

Guaranteed 1,5 meters distance

All employees (and customers or visitors) receive the SD badge upon entrance. This is worn around the wrist or neck. The SD Badge continuously scans its environment for other badges via a so-called Ultra Wide Band signal. This signal provides the most accurate distance measurement. As soon as 2 (or more) badges are less than 1.5 meters apart, they give a warning sound and/ or light signal. This allows everyone to keep enough distance. As soon as there are another safe 1.5 meters, the signal will stop.

Read more and order now: