Tracy tracks and connects everyone and everything

Increase work place safety, visitors experience and production efficiency with Tracy Real Time Location System (RTLS). Gain accurate and actionable data in 1 dashboard. Send out alerts in case of danger. Our Ultrawideband solution is ready-to-go and easy to install. Even more: the costs are that of mass marketing prices.

Increase safety


Visitor experience


Installation pipelines vibration

Heavy industry

For safety in hazerdous environments

For example: Installations, Refineries, Shipyards, Ships, Logistics, Automotive, Machinery, Semiconductors

  • location of people inside perimeters
  • entering (and leaving) dangerous zones
  • fall detection and inactivity
  • disaster: evacuation + rescue
  • short communication messages (eg workorders)

Reduce Lead Time in Make-to-Order

  • Production orders
  • Rush orders
  • Material flow
  • Communication of work orders
  • Pick-by-light
  • Digital production papers
  • Real-time inventory
  • Automated quality assurance
  • Carriers, boxes, pallets
Tracy RTLS Real Time Location System visitor management

Visitor and Event Management

Visitors of offices, hospitals, musea or attending an event (congress, concert, fair)

  • Who is actually attending an event?
  • Who is who in crowded locations?
  • Where are the VIPs?
  • Enable meetings of participants
  • Guidance of visitors (eg to meeting place)
  • Guidance to empty parking place


  • fall detection
  • eldery people, babies,…
  • location of personal (doctors, assistance required…)
  • short communications…
  • knowledge of assets (beds,wheelchairs, infusers, stretchers, mobile devices)
  • guiding patients and visitors, from begin-to-end if needed

Real-time transparency with pinpoint accuracy


QR codes, bar codes, pictures

Accurate 3D Positioning

Track assets in 3D with cm resolution

  • Localize individuals and objects in real-time
  • Full transparency with 30 cm 3D accuracy
  • Rescue accident victims by their last known position

Detection of Presence and Events

  • In the event of a sudden fall or a shock an alarm message will be triggered automatically
  • Individuals entering or leaving dedicated areas.
  • The indoor geofencing works continuously without readers at gates or doors

End-to-End Tracking

  • Document movement patterns of badge-holders in real-time
  • Prevent someone gets lost
  • Assure immediate assistance when it matters
  • Guide children and blind persons through an unknown building


  • Get short messages on your badge
  • Call for assistance, confirm work orders, location aware advices or status changes by double tapping

Real-Time Data

within milliseconds

Sensor Data

Collect and send humidity, temp and motion data to gateway

Contact Tracy how RTLS tracking helps you to monitor employees, visitors and assets and to act on real-time insights

How Tracy works

  • Anchors are installed on the ceiling on every corner of a room/hall
  • A Tracy tag, carried by a person or placed on a object (eg heftruck, box) sends out very short UWB signals
  • The anchors are receiving those signals
  • The anchors send the timestamps of those signals to the RTLS server
  • Tag location is detected in 5ms (per tag!)

Real-time location systems (RTLS)

  • Various technological solutions available for providing real-time assets location information to an ERP system
  • RFIDs, Bar codes and GPS are popular, but don’t fully meet the requirements of modern businesses look to optimise their processes
  • WHAT, WHEN and WHERE are the foundations of sound decision making.
  • Real-time situation awareness is critical to success

…and with Tracy State-of-the art UWB radar

  • Ten times more accurate than GPS, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth with typical accuracies a good as 30cm.
  • Hundreds of metres range with data communication options.
  • Very low power and safe for humans – power emission typically a fraction of percent of a typical Wi-Fi router.
  • Licence free ISM band, meaning no complicated ETSI/FCC certification and lower implementation costs.
  • Penetrates walls and doors, making it ideal for warehouses and buildings.


actionable insights for safety and efficiency

Real-time accuracy

localize your employees, visitors and assets real-time

Low energy

for a long lifetime

Real-time dashboard and alerts


Know where everyone and everything... is in real-time

Analyse patterns to streamline

  • production process
  • use of offices
  • use of parking places

In case of calamaties:

  •  know where everyone is
  • and act on this knowledge


  • Emergency alert

    Manual set or when certain limits (eg heat) are reached

  • Visitor guidance

    Guide visitors to a empty parking place, meeting room or persons

  • Identification

  • Geofencing

    workstations, doorways and dangerous environments. Protect visitors for their own safety and safety of your assets. Monitor in/out of people or assets

  • Guide the best espace route

    in case of emergencies

  • Send short messages

  • Answer by shaking badge

    List Content goes here

  • Fall detection

    Humans: falling or inactivity. Alert people nearby and medical help immediately.

    Things: shocks and falls.

  • Give short work orders

    for example: for repairment

Find out how Tracy can help you:

Heavy industry

Make to Order

RTLS Real Time Location System visitors

Visitors and events


Why choose Tracy?

Turnkey RTLS for mass market applications

Tracy designs and provides turnkey RTLS for mass market applications. Tracy is made made for everyone and everything

Ready to run

Our positioning systems are pre-installed and ready to run

Deployment for large areas is extremely simplified

The system architecture is designed for long lasting autonomous operation. Sensor nodes operate several years independent from mains and Ethernet connection. The deployment for large areas is extremely simplified, neither electricians nor IT staff is needed anymore. The set-up can be done by the user itself

World class products for mass market price

ZIGPOS teams up with mass market manufacturers worldwide in order to ship large quantities quickly at highest quality levels. The German engineering team with its strong R&D background merges multiple sensor technologies for future applications. From building automation up to autonomous driving ZIGPOS provides accurate positioning data for the things of the IoT world. We enable integrators in different industries embedding our advanced positioning technology in their business application for a fast time to market


1 + 2 = ?

Advanced Solutions Nederland B.V.

Maanlander 47
3824 MN Amersfoort
The Netherlands

Tel: +31 624939718

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